Lukis Bros. gettin' ready to

After booth set-up, just
before the convention floor opens
(that's Jason and Brian)

Another table full of toys
to admire!

Me (Perceptor) and Blu
Mankuma, the Voice of Tigatron from Beast Wars

NEW prize of my
collection! Peter Cullen autographs my MIB Optimus Prime!

Very cool! Children's play
area w/ about 50 Supreme Starscreams! What kid wouldn't love that!?!?

Original package art, Perceptor.

Casino Night!

Simon Furman gives Jason (and
others) a few blackjack tips!

HIGH STAKES! Chris Ryall,
Simon Furman, and Dan Taylor of IDW Publishing, wager their TF comic license
on this next hand!

Byrerprime and I getting ready
for day 2, In front of us, the Golden Disk Accessory Pack!

Richard Newman, voice of Rhinox
and Vector Prime

Display at the convention
opening. Countdown to TF the movie, LIVE!

Beneath this, toward the bottom of this page, you'll find photo
galleries the fan art display and Hasbro exhibits. Enjoy!
Hasbor panel: Aaron Archer, Greg Lombardi
Forrest Lee (copyrighter he comes up w/ the character bios, cool!)
Agenda: TF movie update
Newest Toys
Sony BMG 20th DVD
Hasbro Q&A
Starts w/ the movie poster. There will be 2 unique preview movie figures available May 2nd, following the star wars pre prequel
tradition, these 'sneak peek' figures will be released prior to the film's
debut. From screen to plastic they've been working dilegently with the art
What been able to get in plastic is amazing. It’s looking awesome. I think you guys are going to be surprised at how well they turn out.
No more redecos , this is it for Cybertronon.
Classics coming. The idea here is to bring back very cool toys for kids, fill the gap until TF movie,
still reminescent of classic originals, only better! Minicons coming back: terrorsaur, knockdown swoop.
These were originally intended to be sold as 2-packs, then went to 3. So there are some unique pairings,
this is why all trio's don’t all fully make sense!
Dreadwing: eagle, Snarl: wolf, Overbite: tiger minicons hensed the "Cincinnati
Bengal Predator attack team." (joking! Several of the toy
designers are Bengal NFL football team fans). Story behind the original thought process and classics, wanted it to be a sequel to G1. Mini-cons have become Minicons are an important tier of the
Transformer and Cybertron ecosystem. That’s what you’ll see written
in character bios...
Dirge digger team oil slick red purple car, Grindor.. Cyb legends, Fireflight, Menasor he wants everybody to call fireflight “Powerglide"
because they couldn’t get the name, so went w/ Fireflight, by
default. The Op v. Meg versus pack, wanted to have something that was a great entry way into the brand. New molds inspired by original
story/comics. Put together a basics TF 101, getting youngest and older fans coming back up to speed w/ the
story basics. It’s using Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Beast Wars,
G1... It’s a whole new episode, to tell a whole new story.
Classics Cliffjujmper coming as a recolor of bumblebee. (Crowd
goes wild!) Ramjet different wings, different head different missiles than
Classics Megatron. Really wanted to do him justice. This is as close to it as we could get w/ megs as a gun. “I cannot encourage you to go buy paint, but hm, if
you want…" That is, they're not crazy about the crazy orange,
needed for child safety laws, but that's why it's there.
Jetfire. Trying to get Skyfire, wanted to do it right. In classics form, getting it just right. Jet packs come off and he has 2 different
Optinmus Movie anniversary, wanted an item that really tied in w/ new DVD. Same molds w/ same die cast, cleaned up version, no battle damage version. Base w/ real sound effects at same price as the original. Sort stacks.
Not Peter Cullen, because of time constraints (apparently, he might have
been in the midst of interviewing for the new movie, and figured better
off going w/ a Cullen sound-alike.)
TRU exclusive, G1 soundwave w/ ravage and laserbeak. Yes we’re going to do soundwave, in a very unique box, in a more classics packaging. Going to hold two tapes? Maybe, send us your opinions.
Thundercracker, all in good time.
Walmart exclusive Devastator 5 pack. Redeco, very nice recolor of Energon
Alternators: Line is coming to the end, starting to focus on the movie…
Decepticon Rumble (red) does not have hands
Ravage a black jaguar, turning This toy represents the end of Alternators,
at least for now.
Had the crazy idea to turn a Jaguar into a beast Jaguar.
Titanium, 6 inch “Fallen” coming. Ultra Magnus,. Not an op redeco turns
into a real looking Ultra Magnus (see pix below).
Starwars are doing well still for Hasbro and Attacktix whole different
play pattern
Hot topic more shirts, hooded sweatshirts reversible red w/ autobot symbol black on the inside w/ decepticon… …Re-releasing more HOC through hot topic. Rebuilding the G1
Other t-shirts, belt buckles, more...
Areanna to talk about DVD
A few new clips to show. Been working on this project for more than a year…
Brought together an advisory planel. An all new trailer… 16-9 true
format. They’ve remastered and recolored and resharpened.
New commentary by Flint Dille one of the story writers… Executive story
One featuer will be the Japan only story (we always called it
“Scrambulski!” (because that's what it sounds like they're shouting!
But really it's) "Scramble City".
They also went through the 35mm film and found things... She
wouldn't say what it was, but she was going through film real frame by
frame... found something she hadn't known, and thought, hm, this looks kind of cool. Then I showed it to our panel and they were looking like it’s Christmas time!
Going crazy w/ excitement. (Buy the CD to find out!)
Spanish and French subtitles
Easter eggs on both disks. Pretty cool!
Nelson Shin Director.
Susan Blu, commentary
Matrix of Knowledge fun facts and trivia.
I can speak to this. It's pretty cool. With this feature on
little buttons pop up and tell fun trivia facts while the movie
plays. Some were pretty basic, others really cool things I had never
heard before.
Hasbro Q/A:
Will there be movie toys for characters that are not in the movie… Hm. don't
know how to answer this... hm, no comment:
* Yes, alternators might come back.
* Alternators cannot be in comics because of licensing. Classics could be, but it’s up to IDW.
Didn't indicate a preference. (DANG, I really want those toys
featured in comics.) *...There’s a good chance that Classics continues into 2008.
* Movie line will be a full line. That's all he'd say.
* Most movie things will be in similar size scales to what we’ve seen in toys before…
*Classics starts w/ “top tier” We’ll get to more if it sells well.
* Whatdy think of Japanese toy license and what about the cell phone, game boy. Can’t talk about the clellphone…
No comment (w/ big smirk!)
* Whatdya think about the kiss play line? They (Takara) can do what they want. Doesn’t make sense for us,
but whatever!…
*Will we ever see Maximals and predacons? No plans right now, but who knows.
* Someone asked about a Cadalliac XLldfkjfj listing, will that toy exist and who was it?
“We were going to make it, but a model was never made. We might still after but for now, now. It was going to be Megatron!”
(Crowd goes crazy!)
*6” Titanium War Within Grimlock has been green lighted.
* How many waves of classics? they answered 2 at first, then changed
answer to 3. "Everything that’s coming out as classics will be out in display case."
(See pix below!)