The wise-crackin', sarcastic joker of the Maximals, Rattrap always complains about
getting the dirty work although he usually gets the more exciting jobs
(& better lines!) than his fellow Maximals. He had his fill of
Earth the moment
they crash landed on it and longs to return to his home-sweet-Cybertron.
Rattrap is quick to assume the worst. "We're all gunna die!" Though, there is no doubting his competence & warrior skills after nearly single handedly thwarting Ravage's stealth cruiser/ Predacon Attack in Agenda pt 3. Different than other typical 'pessimistic whiner' characters, Rattrap is a complex and interesting individual who made Beast Wars a show worth watching! |
of Rattrap's Voice (.wav) Scott McNeil: "It's like with Rattrap, when I saw the picture I went okay you know he's this guy, and he's ah, he's kind of a street guy. And he's kinda, you know he's a little guy, and you know he's a tough streety guy, so ah maybe we'll make him from ah, you know like, Brooklyn! [laughter] ...?...~ ba-da-boom, there he is!" |
More great show Rattrap 1 |
TRANSMETAL RATTRAP ALLEGIANCE: MAXIMAL FIRST CARTOON APPEARANCE: Beast Wars, Season 2 Episode 27, The Aftermath FUNCTION: SPY Following the quantum surge, Rattrap gained the advantage of a meched out armor shell and a swift dragster vehicle mode. A top notch soldier, his fellow Maximals rely on his reconnaissance reports to locate enemy outposts. The new hot rod mode has increased his speed and agility on the battlefield, and a powerful, battle whip blade that he wields while in robot mode has made him a powerful adversary to all Predacons. |
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