Character description from "tech spec":
A master of the body-structure science, Skyquake pioneered the development of
the first mass-produced "Skyraider" body frame that he continually
strives for its perfection. The development of unique "talent
powers" and ever-larger and more combat-capable designs are his
engineering specialties. As a reward for these feats, he was given his own
squad to command, though he is far from thrilled with those whom he leads.
This is no surprise, as he is filled with hatred for anything that falls short of
his merciless ideals. Prepared for all contingencies, he is rumored to
have a secret stash of body designs and backed-up programming culled from his
various minions. He focuses his hate through single-minded rationality
that drives his monstrous scientific and combative endeavors. His vast
array of sensors allows him to absorb and interpret immense amounts of visual
information. To outside observers, this awareness appears almost
supernatural. His sensor-laced right arm is ultra sensitive and vulnerable
to attack.
Other Appearances:
Bibliography of significant appearances: In this toy form, his only fictional
appearance is in the Botcon 2009 comic, Wings of Honor. Whether he makes
any appearances in the collector club comic remains to be seen.