Character description from "tech spec":
An experienced
'alien fighter' who forged his career in the Cybertronian revolution, Flak is a
fearsome opponent. Space pirates, mutants, Transorganics... Flak has
fought them all, first as a security officer, then as an explorer, and finally
as a shock trooper under Thunderclash's command. He does not yearn for
battle but it is his only marketable skill. Off the battlefield, combat
doesn't interest him; it is his job, he does it when needed and he does it
well. Each of his weapons carries a unique feature: incendiary missile
launchers conceal an acid burst cannon and an electron blaster. He carries
a negative energy freeze rifle and has concussive force blasters concealed in
his optics. An expert tactician and long-range combatant, he lacks finesse
as a melee brawler. Flak sometimes has difficulty adjusting his tactics
for use against Cybertronian foes.
Other Appearances:
Bibliography of significant appearances: In this toy form, his only fictional
appearance is in the Botcon 2009 comic, Wings of Honor. Whether he makes
any appearances in the collector club comic remains to be seen.