Character description from "tech spec":
Elita-1's origins are a mystery to everyone but Grimlock. In fact, no one
in the Autobot ranks even knew she existed until Grimlock first brought his
newly formed crew aboard the Graviton. There she was, quietly working
behind one of the ships consoles, paying no attention to the inquisitve looks
directed her way. Every member of the crew has a theory about her, but she
isn't talking, and neither is Grimlock. A skilled fighter, Elita-1 is
adept witht ehCircuit-Su form of combat. Her weapon of choice is a hyper
concussive missile launcher that converts into an EMP scrambler. Mimetic
alloy armor allows her to blend into her surroundings and can also refract laser
weapons fire into blinding bursts of light. while confident in her
abilities, she feels that she has yet to fully prover herself to others, leading
her to take unnecessary risks.
Other Appearances:
Bibliography of significant appearances: In this toy form, his only fictional
appearance is in the Botcon 2009 comic, Wings of Honor. Whether he makes
any appearances in the collector club comic remains to be seen.