We wish to extend a special thanks to Cartoon Network PR Department for providing
unicron.com with character bios and information.
BUMBLEBEE BUMBLEBEE is the “kid” of the team, easily the youngest and the least mature of the Autobots. He’s over-eager, over-confident and constantly overcompensating for his diminutive stature. Fast-talking, wise-cracking, scheming and hyperactive, Bumblebee is not nearly as cool as he imagines himself to be. Then again, nobody could possibly be as cool as BUMBLEBEE imagines himself to be. He’s a total showoff, always acting on impulse and rarely considering the consequences. And he’s always getting in way over his head, although most things are way over his head. But don’t mention that to BUMBLEBEE; he’s very sensitive about his height. Robot Mode Power: Bumblebee can create electric force “stings,” allowing him to stun enemies or blast his way through whatever’s in his path. He’s also the fastest of the Autobots, in both vehicle and robot mode. Vehicle Mode Appearance: Compact Police Detective’s Car. Character description from package "tech spec": The youngest robot on the crew, Bumblebee is what some -especially Autobot Ratchet -would call over-eager. It's not his fault he prefers action over talk. Talk is just, you know, boring. Wspecially when you could be racing at top speed into a fight or boosting into the air to launch a few well-plased energy stingers at a enemy. Nothing scares Bumblebee, not even Megatron! Other appearances: It is interesting to note that in the original pilot series, this character in the shows was originally cast as the Autobot " Hot Shot" who was a primary character in the "Unicron Trilogy" of TF: Armada, Energon, and Cybertron. I think it's interesting, because this explains much of his persona. His personality is still very much reminiscent of Hot Shot. But now he has the name Bumblebee thanks to lobbying by the show's producers... Here are a list of other Bumblebee characters in the Transformers universe/mythos: *
1984 the classic
Generation 1 original Bibliography of significant appearances: Among core characters of the Autobot crew, Bumblebee plays a part in virtually every episode. He played an especially featured role in Total Meltdown, Nanosec, Garbage In, Garbage Out, Nature Calls, Velocity, S.U.V. Society of Ultimate Villany and Autoboot Camp... |
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