Allegiance: Autobot|
Sub-Group: Micromaster
Function: Field Commander
First Cartoon Appearance: none
First Comic Appearance: none that I know of!

"A life without risk is a life without reward."

A rowdy, rebellious robot.  Likes to be where the action is.  At his best crashing his titanium-steel, self-propelled cannon through enemy barricades, just so he can unload his x-ray laser cannon, sonic boomers and automatic machine gun at the Decepticons.  Converts his all terrain vehicle into a battle station and helipad.  Also equipped with awesome ultra violet radar that guides against Dececticon attacks.

Strength:  ;7
Intelligence:  7
Speed:  3
Endurance:  8
Rank:  8
Courage:  10
Firepower:  8
Skill:  8

Other Appearances:  To the best of my knowledge, he has made no appearances in the comics or cartoons and  no other appearances in any facet of the TF Universe.